The Keys To Creating Lag In Your Swing (Video Tip)
Golf tips
What is Lag? Lag is the angle between the left arm and the club shaft, and how this angle is increased in the downswing. Many longer hitter increase their lag angle, which in turn creates more club head speed at impact. So how do you create lag?
how do you create lag? For me, there are 2 key factors:
1) The Correct Sequence
The correct sequence is when the lower body moves first in the downswing as presser is increased underneath the left foot. This will then create a chain reaction of the hips firing, then the shoulders, then the arms, and lastly the club will release to create maximum speed at impact.
2) Dynamics
Here is a key move to developing lag. As the club is in the backswing, before it reaches the top, the lower body is starting the downswing. We call this double direction, and it is this that creates lag, assuming you have a good grip without too much tension.
When you are practicing this, do not practice in static positions. Swing with motion in full swings, trying to develop your feeling for the double direct move.
This is Robin Symes. I’m going to talk about lag. What is lag? Lag is the angle between your left arm and club shaft and how this angle is increased in the downswing. A lot of people will know that the longer hitters increase their leg angle more, creating more club head speed at impact. So how do you create lag? For me there’s two key ingredients to that. One, the correct sequence of downswing and two, dynamics.
So first of all, what is the correct sequence? Sequence of the downswing should be number one, lower body moves first with a push into the left foot. Two, the stomach’s rotating. Three, the shoulders are rotating. Four, the arms are moving. Then lastly, the club head reaches maximum speed at impact. The important move there is that the lower body moves first with a push into the left foot.
What about the dynamics? This is the important part for creating the lag. It’s a double direction move. As the club head is swinging in the backswing, before the club head reaches the top, the lower body is initiating in the downswing with that push into the left foot. It’s this double direction move which increases the lag angle. As the stomach rotates, the shoulders rotate, the arms move. This angle will be kept long into the downswing just to before impact and then released so the club head reaches maximum speed at impact.
When you’re practicing this, don’t do it in positions, make full swings with motion, feeling the double direction move.