Why Does My Golf Club Keep Twisting?
Golf tips
In this short article, I’m going to show you something that tends to shock a lot of golfers – and I’ll keep it short for you.
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In this short article, I’m going to show you something that tends to shock a lot of golfers – and I’ll keep it short for you.
Držte hlavu dole. Přesně tak zní jedna z nejotřepanějších golfových rad. A zároveň jedna z nejhorších. Místo přirozené rotace při procházení míčem totiž golfista v takovém případě zůstane vzadu za míčem a hůl nepovede po správné rovině...
Scrolling through my twitter feed this week, I came across this awesome visual from Erik Henrikson – director of innovation and testing at Ping. Press the play button on this image below.
There’s a really funny thing about striking a golf ball that you may have noticed. Imagine you hit a dreaded shank on the range. You then stand back farther from the ball and then you shank the next shot too. You might not be able to stop it, why?
To, co chci sdělit v tomto článku, je důležité. Hodně důležité. Mnohem víc než cokoliv, co jste doposud četli či slyšeli. Je to informace, která tvoří ten rozdíl mezi vámi nyní a Tigerem Woodsem v roce 2001.
Something that is not often thought about in putting is how your ball is rolling. If your ball is bouncing down the green, it will effect both distance and direction. A good roll is an essential fundamental of putting and it is not that difficult-
If you want to improve the quality and consistency of your pitch shots on the golf course, focus on hitting the ball down into the ground. One of the most common short game fault is trying to ‘help’ pitch and chip shots ...
Still, to this day, even with all the information out there, golfers don’t understand the basics of why their ball slices or hooks. I can’t have that – not for my followers. So, this article will explore this very topic.
Strike quality is one of the leading correlators with how good you are at the game of golf. Take this test to discover where you fall in the strike levels.
This is a tough article for me to write. Why? Because I know it is going to suffer “straw-man” attacks and will anger a lot of golfers and coaches. But I’m writing it anyway.